Turnitin Error on Submission in Moodle

Turnitin’s plugins are the gift that keeps giving…

This bug still has not been addressed and it was showing on one of our customers sites after they moved to Moodle 4.1.4 and the latest version of Turnitin tool 3.9+ (2023032701)

The error shows after a user makes a submission via a ‘Turnitin Assignment 2’ submission activity point.

The above shows Turnitin trying to display a Digital receipt and cannot, this is because these settings have been wiped out during the upgrade.. sometimes this happens and most times not!

Head to this location on your site and check the following are enabled for Email or Web /admin/message.php

This will then allow the Digital receipt to come through to the frontend on submission

If you use Turnitin via the core Moodle Assignment activity this does not occur, better still why not reach out to CoSector and ask to see our fully featured Electronic Management of Assessment platform plugin for Moodle (Coursework).

Hope that helps.

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